Distribution, ecology and coenotic value of chara vulgaris l. Emend. Wallr. (charophyta) in the west Siberian plain

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Medico-Biological Sciences (№6). 2014

Distribution, ecology and coenotic value of chara vulgaris l. Emend. Wallr. (charophyta) in the west Siberian plain

About the authors:

Tatyana V. Sviridenko, Senior Researcher, Scientific Research Institute of the Ecology of the North, Surgut State University; tatyanasv29@yandex.ru

Boris F. Sviridenko, Dr. Sci.(Biol.), Head Researcher, Scientific Research Institute of the Ecology of the North, Surgut State University; bosviri@mail.ru

Olga E. Tokar, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Geography and Teaching Methods, P. P. Ershov Ishim Pedagogical Institute (University of Tyumen Branch); tokarishim@yandex.ru

Andrey N. Efremov, Can. Sci. (Biol.), Chief Specialist, Environmental Survey Department, Institute for Oil and Gas Projects, Construction and Rehabilitation (Omsk)


This work summarizes scientific data and the authors’ own materials on about 55 locations of Chara vulgaris in the steppe and forest-steppe belts in the west Siberian Plain. Populations of C. vulgaris have been found in rivers, plain lakes, water reservoirs, ponds, abandoned loops and temporary water bodies in the depth range from 0.1 m to 0.7(2.0) m, on silty sands, rarely on clays. Ecotopes of C. vulgaris comprise fresh and weakly alkalinized waters with mineralization from 0.30 to 4.07 g/dm3 with sodium bicarbonate, chloride sodium bicarbonate, chloride calcium bicarbonate and sodium chloride composition. Total hardness is between 2.8 and 37.3 meq/dm3, pH is 7.2-8.4. The floristic composition of the coenotic complex of C. vulgaris includes 61 species, including 43 species (70.5%) of hydrophilic flowering plants and 18 species (29.5%) of macroscopic algae. A major part in the composition of the agglomerations belongs to flowering helophytes — 22 species (36.1%); flowering hydatophytes are represented by 16 species (26.2%), and pleustophytes — by 5 species (8.2%).The Chara vulgaris species contributes to temporary communities, pro-coenoses, exhibiting the explerent strategy. The projective cover of C. vulgaris in the agglomerations is usually within 5-10 per cent, more rarely reaching 45-70 per cent. In the Chara vulgaris coenotic complex there were found 1 association (unit of phytocoenosis classification) and 22 ations (unit of pro-coenosis classification) belonging to 17 formations of 3 formation classes and one sub-type of freshwater macrophyte vegetation.


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