Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Medico-Biological Sciences (№6). 2014About the authors:
Zoya M. Shayakhmetova, Сand. Sci. (Biol), Senior Lecturer, Department of Botany, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical UniversityAbstract:
SSpecies diversity of epiphytic lichens in the forests of the Perm region is described. 264 species of lichens are found in the six forest forming species (Picea obovata, Abies sibirica, Pinus sylvestris, Populus tremula, Betula pendula, Tilia cordata), that is 88% of all the epiphytic lichens growing on forest trees in this region. About 46% species do not show any close link with certain tree species and inhabit coniferous and deciduous trees, 33% prefer deciduous trees and 21% prefer conifers. The greatest number of specific species was found on the aspen, which is consistent with the scientific data. The species diversity of lichens on the forest species in the Perm region and in the Komi Republic has been compared. The distribution pattern of lichens growing on tree species in the compared regions is similar: the highest abundance of epiphytes is characteristic for the aspen, birch and spruce. Lower levels of abundance of epiphytic lichens on the forest forming species in the Perm region in comparison with the Komi Republic is due to insufficient studies as well as depletion of natural species diversity of epiphytic lichens, due to anthropogenic transformation of the forest vegetation.References:
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