Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Medico-Biological Sciences (№6). 2013About the authors:
Elena S. Yagudina, Senior Tutor and Sports Trainer, Center of Recreational Physical Education, Tyumen State University; jagudina-lena@rambler.ruAbstract:
The paper presents the results of the research of the morphofunctional state of males using drugs periodically. 205 young men at the age ranging from 17 to 21 years old were examined. Among them 65 persons had drug (psychoactive substances (PAS): alcohol) dependent parents (one or both); 40 tested persons who had no PAS dependent parents formed the second group. 100 healthy students of Tyumen State University, who deny facts of drug taking composed the third, control, group. The experimental group demonstrated physiological changes of their cardio-vascular and breathing systems and reduction of their functional activity. We have obtained data testifying to reduction of the main indexes of physical development. Young men taking drug substances differ in their asthenic constitution. The revealed changes are more typical of the young males having PAS dependent parents.References:
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