Osteoporosis and cardiovascular pathology: peculiarities of the combined disease development

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Medico-Biological Sciences (№6). 2013

Osteoporosis and cardiovascular pathology: peculiarities of the combined disease development

About the authors:

Tatiana V. Bolotnova , Dr. Med. Sci., Head of the Department of Internal Medicine,
Outpatient Therapy and Family Medicine, Tyumen State Medical Academy

Natalia G. Platitsyna, Cand. Med. Sci., Associate Professor, Department of Internal
Medicine, Outpatient Therapy and Family Medicine, Tyumen State Medical Academy

Olga N. Kuslivaya, Assistant, Department of Internal Medicine, Outpatient Therapy
and Family Medicine, Tyumen State Medical Academy


The article presents the research data devoted to the features of the associated course of coronary heart disease (CHD), arterial hypertension (AH) and osteoporosis (OP). The research covered 82 patients with CHD and AH of mature and senior age and 28 persons in the control group. Analysis of osteoporosis risk factors was carried out on the basis of the unified questionnaires; computer program FRAX was employed. We have proved that osteoporosis risk factors were more typical of the patients with cardiovascular pathology in comparison with healthy people. The risk of osteoporotic fractures was much higher regarding the patients with cardiovascular diseases which in most cases allows to initiate treatment. On the basis of a complex clinic-functional research based on the results of bone densitometry, frequency of occurrence of osteopenic syndrome among the patients with cardiovascular pathology was determined. Patients with coronary heart disease in association with arterial hypertension demonstrated the syndrome of osteopenia in 57,5+9,01% of cases (osteoporosis 35,0+5,45%, osteopenia — 22,5+3,47%); for the patients with AH heh index is 45,23+0,07% (4,76+0,65% and 40,47+6,16%, respectively); in the control group there were only 17,85+3,27% cases of osteopenia. The lowest indicators of mineral density of bones are registered among the patients with coronary heart disease in association with arterial hypertension, and practically half of the patients had a severe acute form of the disease. The obtained data testify to the need of complex prevention and timely diagnostics of the osteopenic syndrome among the patients with cardiovascular pathology.


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