Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Medico-Biological Sciences (№6). 2013

Polipathy among the elderly

About the authors:

Oksana M. Rudakova, post-graduate student, Department of Internal Medicine,
Outpatient Therapy and Family Medicine, Tyumen State Medical Academy
Tatiana V. Bolotnova , Dr. Med. Sci., Head of the Department of Internal Medicine,
Outpatient Therapy and Family Medicine, Tyumen State Medical Academy


An elderly person is considered to be a person over 65 years old. Currently, this category comprises about 15% of the population both in Russia and in many industrialized countries. The prevalence of hypertension in this age group is 50%. Turning to the figures of morbidity rate among the people of different age groups, provided by the National Center for Health, we can clearly see that percentage of cardiovascular disease increases significantly with ageing. The prevalence of cardiovascular disease increases due to the aging population, changed lifestyles, and lack of current prevention programs. Elderly patients are characterized by a number of features including widespread comorbidity (coronary heart disease, diabetes, chronic lung disease, heart failure, renal dysfunction, peripheral atherosclerosis, neurological and orthopedic pathology, etc.). Reduction in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in recent years has become one of the main tasks of practical medicine. Early diagnosis of such important risk factors as hypertension, dyslipidemia, abdominal obesity and carbohydrate metabolism are the major ways of dealing with it.


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