Change of the liquid-electrolyte balance of the digestive glands under muscle tension and during rehabilitation

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Medico-Biological Sciences (№6). 2013

Change of the liquid-electrolyte balance of the digestive glands under muscle tension and during rehabilitation

About the authors:

Andrey V. Gryaznykh, Dr. Biol. Sci., Senior lecturer of Department of Human
Anatomy and Physiology, Kurgan State University

Aleksander P. Kuznetsov, Dr. Biol. Sci., Professor, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation, Head of Human Anatomy and Physiology Department, Kurgan State


We have investigated the shift in balance of the liquid and electrolytic parts in secretion of digestive glands of persons not engaged in sports and sportsmen of high qualification, developing high speed and power qualities, (wrestlers). We employed gastroduodenal sounding and collected biological fluids: saliva, urine, gastric, pancreatic secrets. We studied their volume and electrolyte content. As a model of acute muscle strain we offered a 60-minute bicycle stress load performed at a level of 60-70% of the maximum oxygen consumption. It was revealed that different levels of everyday motor activity influence the electrolyte composition of saliva, gastric and pancreatic juice, which is connected with the adaptation to the effects of physical exercise. We registered redistribution of the volumes of digestive juices and urine in muscle rest time, both in terms of basal secretion and application of duodenum 0.5% solution of hydrochloric acid. It was determined that at high salivation and secretion of pancreatic juice in basal conditions, and at a high level of gastric juice while simultaneous stimulation of the duodenum the values of diuresis are low. During exercise, the concentration of sodium and potassium in the saliva and gastric juice in the surveyed control group was reduced. Such oppression was not registered with the athletes - wrestlers due to adaptability of their bodies to perform physical activities. The concentration of electrolytes in the duodenal contents during exercise increases.


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