Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Medico-Biological Sciences (№6). 2013About the authors:
Natalya N. Pavlova, Cand. Med. Sci., physician-endoscopist, gastroenterologistAbstract:
Colonoscopy is a primary method of colon tumors diagnosis with the confirmation of the diagnosis with the help of biopsy. The article presents analysis of the work of the Endoscopy Department on detection of colorectal cancers and colon polyps. Current approaches to the organization and conduct of endoscopic studies aimed at early diagnosis of precancerous changes in the forms of colon cancer and practiced in the Department, presume a total colonoscopy and the use of special additional diagnostic techniques for identifying abnormal formations of even the smallest sizes. Visual assessment of the risk of the disease progression is based on histology prediction exteriorly, taking into consideration both the type of the growth and the structure of the lesion’s surface, measured with magnification endoscopy. Qualitative examination for the purpose of endoscopic diagnosis requires the use of a phased methodology. An ideal bowel preparation will let detect even the smallest non-polypoid lesion. Identification of areas characterized by abnormal structure using standard visualization without image processing or chromoscopy in order to identify minor changes in the color of the mucous membrane and subepithelial capillaries. The appearance of lesions was identified according to the Paris classification categories. Evaluation of the microarchitectonics of the epithelial surface of the lesion was carried out using magnification in combination with chromoscopy or endoscopy with increased image sharpness. Determination of the type of patchwork pattern was used to predict the most likely histological structure. Diagnosis and choice of treatment should be defined taking into account the morphological structure of the lesion and its localization. The most important aspect of colorectal cancer prevention is conducting of regular screening colonoscopy examinations for persons over 45 years of age.References:
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