Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Medico-Biological Sciences (№6). 2013About the authors:
Anastasia N. Rzhanikova, Graduate student Department of Internal Medicine,Abstract:
We have analyzed medical cards of ambulatory patients who were diagnosed with the gastric ulcerous disease for the first time. The research included patients (87 people) with typical (63 people) and atypical (24 people) disease pattern. Presence and structure of the risk factors in both groups of the patients have been studied. Three groups of the risk factors were estimated: exogenous, endogenous and hereditary-constitutional. Only 12% of the patients in both groups did not have any ulcer disease risk factors. The most significant factors in the group of the patients without typical characteristics of ulcer disease: non-compliance with a dietary pattern (87,5%), alimentary errors (37,5%), burdened heredity (29,2%), hyperacidity (25,0%). In the cases of atypical clinical pattern, presence of the risk factors should be a reason for additional examination for the purpose of exclusion or confirmation of ulcer disease. This will allow to organize primary prevention and early diagnosis. Patients with detected risk factors, not suffering form peptic ulcer, must be enrolled in a special group for follow-up care and monitoring.References:
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