The population structure, physiological and biochemical indicators of the carassius auratus gibelio (bloch, 1782) in the water salinity gradient

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Medico-Biological Sciences (№6). 2013

The population structure, physiological and biochemical indicators of the carassius auratus gibelio (bloch, 1782) in the water salinity gradient

About the authors:

Dmitriy V. Uslamin, postgraduate student, Institute of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, Tyumen State University
Olga A. Aleshina, Cand. Biol. Sci., Associate Professor, Departament of Zoology and Evolutional Ecology of Animals, Institute of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, Tyumen State University


The structure of the population, physiological and biochemical indices of C. a. gibelio have been researched in the lakes of Sladkovsky area with salinity range 1.8-12.0 g/dm3. The gender, size and age structure of the population have also been studied. It is proved that increase in the water salinity causes increase in the percentage of males; fish species of an older age begin to dominate. In the salinity range of 5,6-7,7 g/dm3 all ages, except 2/2+, demonstrate reduction in growth and weight, while the feeding intensity increases. Biochemical analysis revealed the content of protein and fat in the muscular tissue of the carp. It is noted that increase in the water salinity raises protein content and reduces fat content in the fish muscle. To confirm these data the multivariate factor analysis was carried out which showed interrelation of the biological indicators in question with water salinity and the main hydrochemical water indicators.


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