Euglenoid flagellates of the water basins in the south of Tyumen region

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Medico-Biological Sciences (№6). 2013

Euglenoid flagellates of the water basins in the south of Tyumen region

About the author:

Anna V. Ermolaeva, Cand. biol. Sci., Senior lecturer, Ishim State pedagogical Institute


The purpose of the given article is the study of the specific structure and features of the regional distribution of the euglenoid flagellates in the water basins of the south of Tyumen region. During the research 68 species of euglenoids from 13 genera in 8 different water basins of Ishim and Ishim district have been defined. The most widelyspread genera are the Phacus (20 species), Euglena and Trachelomonas (16 species each). All the surveyed water basins contained the Euglena сaudata, E. oblonga, Trachelomonas rotunda, and Monomorphina pyrum. The data on the seasonal dynamics of the presence and numbers of the euglenoid flagellates are given. The population peak of the euglenoids is registered in summer months. The greatest taxonomical variety and the maximum number of stenotopic species characterize the dead channels. Comparison of the specific structures of the euglenoid flagellates according to the faunistic indexes of Jaccard-Malyshev and Chekanovskiy-Sorensen reveals differences in the faunae of the protozoa in the majority of the reservoir couples.


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