Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Medico-Biological Sciences (№6). 2013

Onto-morphogenesis of the solanum dulcamara

About the authors:

Irina A. Zhuravlyova, Head of Educational Laboratory, Department of Biology,
Vyatka State University for Humanities

Natalya P. Savinykh, Cand. Biol. Sci., Professor, Vyatka State Humanities University


The article contains characteristics of the biomorphology and taxonomy of the Solanum dulcamara L. The main living life-form of the plant is the lianoid subshrub with creeping rhizome. The authors single out 4 stages of the onto-morphogenesis of the S. dulcamara: 1) seed formation, 2) formation of the monaxonic plant, 3) bush formation, 4) rhizome formation; (in which 5 onto-biomorphs alternate (seed; monopodial growing vegetative plant with a taproot; sympodially growing upright standing semishrub with a taproot; sympodially growing upright standing subshrub with a taproot; sympodially growing subshrub with a mixed root system; sympodially growing subshrub with long rhizome). On the basis of the main life-form, under the influence of environmental conditions, formation of six ecobiomorphs is possible (dry land lianoid or prostrate subshrub; coastal water lianoid or prostrate subshrub; water prostrate grassy plant; weed forming prostrate); their characteristic is given. The ontogenesis type of the species is defined (G-type (G2-subtype) according to L.A. Zhukova). Stages of onto-morphogenesis are related to the ontogenetic periods and conditions of the plants. It is noted that the end of the ontogenesis is difficult to trace due to the rejuvenation capacity of the plant and its vegetative propagation.


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