Flora and cenotic arrangement of mosses of the rafailovskiy state complex regionclass reserve (Tyumen region)

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Medico-Biological Sciences (№6). 2012

Flora and cenotic arrangement of mosses of the rafailovskiy state complex regionclass reserve (Tyumen region)

About the author:

Olga G. Voronova, Cand. biol. Sci., associate professor, Department of botany and Biotechnology of plants, Institute of Mathematics, Humanities and Information Technologies, Tyumen State University


The species variety of mosses of the Rafailovsky state complex regionclass reserve includes 68 species which relate to 39 genera, 25 families, 9 orders and 4 classes. The leading role in addition of the studied phytocenosises belongs to the families of Bryaceae, Dicranaceae, Pylaisiaceae, Brachytheciaceae.
