The genesis of river valleys (according to the results of the functional analysis of processes of their formation)

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Earth sciences (№7; №4). 2014

The genesis of river valleys (according to the results of the functional analysis of processes of their formation)

About the author:

Evgeniy Y. Likutov, Cand. Geogr. Sci., Associate Professor, Physical Geography and Ecology Department, Institute of Mathematics, Science and Information Technologies, Tyumen State University, member-correspondent of Russian Ecological Academy


Problem of the genesis of the river valleys, one of the largest in geomorphology, was examined and solved. Its significance is based on the fact of the greatest prevalence of the valleys in the land relief. Resolving the problem is performed in two stages: 1) Consideration of set of valleyforming processes; 2) their functional analysis (a rarely applied method of research). The set of valleyforming processes is constituted by practically all relief-forming processes of land. Valleyforming processes are subdivided into three groups. The first group is made up of fluvial, slope, tectonic processes and weathering, operating continuously. The second group is represented by anthropogenic and biogenic processes which operate in favorable external environment constantly (long-term) or intermittently (short-term). The third group — watererodible, cryogenic, karst, eolian, glacial, volcanogenic, wave processes, operating in certain favorable terms existing not everywhere and not constantly. The functions of valleyforming processes are defined and three functional levels are identified: 1) The chief — fluvial processes inwardly inherent to the river valleys, executing practically all valleyforming functions; 2) More private — other constantly operating processes of the first and second group: long-term anthropogenic and biogenic, executing a limited amount of functions; 3) The most private — processes of the third and second groups: short-term anthropogenic and biogenic, executing the functions which are the smallest in number and least significant. It is established that the river valleys are polygenetical landforms and that fluvial processes are leading not in the genetic aspect, but functional.


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