Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Earth sciences (№7; №4). 2014About the authors:
Dmitry V. Pislegin, Post-graduate student, Department of Geoecology, Institute of Earth Sciences, Tyumen State UniversityAbstract:
The article presents the first attempt to classify the expendable well sites by their degree of risk to the environment. The authors developed a method of risk assessment of expendable wells by their impact on the environment. We investigated 102 expendable wells located in Western Siberia. The key classification criteria are proposed: leak (depressurization) of expendable wells, sludge pits, oil pollution and industrial waste. The authors have elicited the most dangerous technological objects remaining after exploration within the license areas, which have been influencing the environment for a long time. The oil content and maximum concentration limit were defined in accordance with the ‘Procedure for determining the damage size caused by land pollution chemicals’. The authors found out that the average oil content in drilling sludge exceeds the regional standard of maximum permissible level for oil products in benthal deposits of the water objects in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area — Yugra. Excess of maximum permissible level four times per benzo[a]pyrene was noted even in the sediments of conditionally ‘pure’ pits. The average content of volatile alkylbenzenes in benthal deposits is severalReferences:
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