Soil cover feature of hylmigyakha basin (Nadym-Purovskoye interfluve)

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Earth sciences (№7; №4). 2014

Soil cover feature of hylmigyakha basin (Nadym-Purovskoye interfluve)

About the author:

Alexander A. Tigeev, Cand. Sci. (Geog.), Senior Researcher, Institute of Problems Development of the North, Russian Academy of Sciences (Siberian Branch), Tyumen


The assessment of soil features of Southern Nadym-Purovsky province, Hylmigyakha basin is given. The data are collected during the field work, when soil samples were taken for chemical analysis; the description of soil profiles has been performed. As a result, three major morphogenetic soil complexes are identified; soil systematic list of the study area is compiled. Geochemical parameters, regularities of soil cover formation depending on the position in a relief and properties of parent rock are considered. Soils have acid reaction in the surface horizons, they are humus-poor, and have low reserves of plants’ mineral nutrients. Mesotrophic bog eftrofnye soils develop in relief depressions at the close bedding of permafrost. The soil cover is heterogeneous, has a complex mosaic structure; variation of soil types in the space is associated with the change of landscape elements, climate, water regime and vegetation. The soil cover is characterized by a predominant podzolization process under forests and woodlands and marshes peatifying.


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