Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Earth sciences (№7; №4). 2014About the authors:
Elena A. Slagoda, Chief Researcher, Dr. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), Earth Cryosphere Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Tyumen)Abstract:
Ultrahigh resolution satellite images of Central Yamal in Western Siberia are interpreted. To estimate the prevalence of exogenous geological and cryogenic processes, the methodical issues of remote sensing are considered. Thermokarst depressions and lakes are the indicators of changes in the permafrost surface. Thermokarst lakes and depressions inventory is taken on the area of 1059.74 km2. The table of interpretive signs of major exogenous processes of the area is done. The index map of 1:50,000 scale showing the distribution of thermokarst lakes and depressions in different geomorphological levels is drawn. As a result of the conducted research following the space imaging, the degree of thermokarst forms and lakes coverage on geomorphological levels is revealed. The maximum lakes coverage found on the floodplain and terrace I makes 18.5% and 19.3 %, and the maximum thermokarst coverage on terrace I makes 19.2%. In the future we plan to conduct a study to register spectral characteristics of the channels of satellite images and to use the data for automated interpretation of the permafrost processes.Keywords:
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