Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Earth sciences (№7; №4). 2014About the authors:
Artem V. Khomutov, Cand. Geol.-Miner. Sci., Researcher, Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian branch (Tyumen)Abstract:
The article presents the results of the study of the dynamics of vegetation cover and the depth of seasonal thawing under technogenic impact in permafrost zone, particularly in the typical tundra subzone. The study of vegetation cover and depth of thawing disturbance after off-road vehicles movement at Central Yamal is continued. The study was started in 1991 due to active gas field development and location surveys for railway construction in this area. After 2012 field survey and measurements vehicle tracks were subdivided into 3 groups according to the degree of disturbance: with low, neutral and high technogenic impact. The current state of previously investigated vehicle tracks which are mainly not in use now is analyzed. Good recovery of old vehicle tracks is registered on all sites and the recovered communities are similar to the original ones or they are replaced by more hydrophilic type. Recent tracks are re-vegetating by grass-sedge pioneering groups depending on the intensity of the impact. The increase of thawing depth in the vehicle tracks is connected both with the intensity of impact and with the replacement of the typical vegetation cover with high species diversity and a high cover of shrubs and mosses by mainly sedge communities.References:
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