Impact of oil spills on the surface waters pollution in Khanty-Mansi autonomous area — Yugra

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Earth sciences (№7; №4). 2014

Impact of oil spills on the surface waters pollution in Khanty-Mansi autonomous area — Yugra

About the authors:

Dmitrii V. Moskovchenko, Dr. Sci. (Geogr.), Head of the Geoecology Sector, Tyumen Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Lead Research Associate, Institute of Environmental and Agricultural Biology (X-BIO), University of Tyumen;

Advart A. Ubaidulaev, Chief Expert, Department of Environment of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area — Yugra (Khanty-Mansiysk)


The article summarizes the results of surface waters pollution in the fields of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area — Yugra made on the basis of regional hydrochemical monitoring. The authors carried out an assessment of accidental spills and pollution from the infrastructure, their impact on the ecological status of surface waters. It is noted that the greatest number of accidents is observed on the territories of Samotlor, Mamontovskoye, Vakhskoye and Ust-Balykskoye license blocks. Impact analysis of the pollution indicators and accidents at oil production facilities is carried out using parametric methods of correlation and multivariate regression analysis. It is revealed that the oil-producing complex objects deliver about half of petroleum hydrocarbons to surface waters. The remaining fraction comes from natural sources forming hydrocarbon ‘background’, which depends on the landscape and geological factors. The total area of oil-contaminated sites and the amount of pollutants are the parameters determining the content of petroleum hydrocarbons in surface waters.


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