On the character and direction of the vertical channel deformation of the Amur river (Zeya river mouth — khingan gorge)

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Earth sciences (№7; №4). 2013

On the character and direction of the vertical channel deformation of the Amur river (Zeya river mouth — khingan gorge)

About the authors:

Mikhail N. Gusev, Cand. Geogr. Sci., Associate Professor, Head of laboratory, Institute of Geology and Nature Management FEB RAS
Yuriy V. Pomiguev, Researcher, Institute of Geology and Nature Management, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science


The Amur River is the largest water-stream in the North East Eurasia. The state border between Russia and China runs along its channel. But the river activity has been studied incompletely. It is very important to understand the formation peculiarities of the youngest part of the river valley — geomorphological system “River Valley Bottom” (RVB) as well as its channel as the most dynamic element. The paper is aimed at the study of the vertical channel deformations of the Amur River in the Holocene at the section of its middle reaches from the Zeya River to Khingan Gorge extending for 410 km. The main attention is paid to the study of conditions of the river valley formation, lithology structure of RVB, morphological and morphometric parameters of the of the water-stream longitudinal profile. It is established that the Amur River (from the Zeya River mouth to Khingan Gorge) is being formed under extremely uneven geological and structural and also very changeable geodynamic conditions. These conditions mainly determine the features of the structure and dynamics of the RVB and its channel. Basing on the analysis of the water-stream longitudinal profile and its comparison with the calculated “graded longitudinal profile” as well as on the analysis of the BRV lithological structure data (composition, thickness alluvium, distribution of flood-plain and channel alluvial facies) it is established that the vertical deformations of the Amur River in the Holocene are of directional character. The water-stream incises into the underlying rocks with the mean velocity of 0.9-1.1 mm per year. Maximum incises intensity is characteristic of the river at the section of Khingan Gorge and its magnitude is comparable (about 2 mm per year) with the velocity of Khingan Range elevation.


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