Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Earth sciences (№7; №4). 2013About the authors:
Vasiliy V. Kozin, Dr. Geogr. Sci., Professor, Department of Social-Economic Geography and Nature Management, Institute of Mathematics, Science and Information Technologies, Tyumen State UniversityAbstract:
Weather determines many if not all aspects of human life. Meteosensitivity of human health has been studied by certain branches of science. Observation of changes of meteorological elements, including temperature and precipitation, makes it possible not only to observe the weather, but also to anticipate it. With the help of monitoring data on air temperature and precipitation for the period from 1955 to 2012 (series of 58 years) in the Town of Ishim, the average annual temperature, and long-time average annual precipitation have been analyzed. Deviations of annual highs and lows from January to December and February have been identified. The detected average annual temperature changes confirm the existence of global warming. Ranking by average monthly temperature and precipitation revealed most of the warm, cold, wet and dry years. Months and years of the absolute maximums and minimums are determined. Out of 58 years in the town of Ishim only 18 years are marked by an average annual temperature below the annual standard. During the past 2012 year the town of Ishim failed to be the leader in any of the indicators. Average annual precipitation analysis showed that out of 58 years 31 years (more than half) was indicated by greater annual precipitation than the climatic norm (380 mm). The comparison of average air temperatures in the northern hemisphere and the town of Ishim shows that it has been cooler in Ishim in the past three years than in the hemisphere as a whole. The results of this research can provide the basis for forecasting climate changes in the town of Ishim. In addition, the data can be used in the teaching of local history, geography, etc.Keywords:
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