Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Earth sciences (№7; №4). 2013About the authors:
Evgeniy E. Podbornyy, Cand. Geogr. Sci., Head of Department of Geotechnical Monitoring in Cryolithozone, TyumenNIIgiprogaz, LLCAbstract:
The article shows an interaction between technical and natural environments, resulting in abnormal conditions of gas transportation system. Description is based on experimental data derived during long-term geotechnical monitoring which was performed by the staff of “TyumenNIIgiprogas”, LLC. In addition to measuring of soil temperature and frost heave, the analysis of spatial contingency of geosystem with geotechnical conditions has been performed. The analysis of the first section of the gas-main pipeline allows to describe a joint between types of packing which serves as a relieving zone for water blocked by banking. The second section of the gas-main pipeline of underground packing type with using of cantledge is regarded as a compensator in the turfed valley depression. Fixation of gas pipeline’s body in the frozen mineral sides of turfed area without sufficient deepening in and gas pipeline’s shallow entrance into peat caused the increase in the depth of seasonal freezing, formation of permanent snowdrift and pipeline floating to the surface.References:
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