Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Earth sciences (№7; №4). 2013About the author:
Artyom A. Kazakov, Assistant, Department of Cartography and Geoinformation Systems, Institute of Mathematics, Science and Information Technologies, Tyumen State UniversityAbstract:
The article describes the results of experimental application of remote geothermal sensing to study the process of secondary swamping of the drained bogs in Tarmansky geosystem. The natural conditions of Tarmansky marsh massif are considered. The article covers the technological description of the remote geothermal mapping. The characteristics of the surface temperature marsh massif distribution in a thermal infrared image are discussed. As a result there have been drawn geothermal maps of Tarmansky geosystem, received by processing satellite images formed using TM and ETM+ instruments (Landsat-4, Landsat-5, and Landsat-7 satellites). The author shows the spatial-temporal dynamics of the thermal field of the marsh massif surface from 1984 to 2011. The obtained results are recommended to use in an estimation process of secondary swamping of the drained bogs of Western Siberia and their temperature.References:
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