Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Earth sciences (№7; №4). 2013About the authors:
Vasiliy V. Novokhatin, Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor, Department of Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, Institute of Mathematics, Science and Information Technologies, Tyumen State UniversityAbstract:
The dynam ics of some hydrochemical indexes of the lakes on territory of the wetlands of Tobol-Ishim forest-steppe is considered in this article. The wetlands of Tobol-Ishim forest-steppe are entered in the list of wetlands having an international value. The characteristic feature of the territory is plenty of lakes. The area of the majority of lakes is less than 1 square kilometer. The analized data cover the inspections conducted in 1961 and 2004—2005. The basic research presents the analysis of hydrochemical composition of lake water due to three generalized indexes of quality: permanganate value, pH-value, and mineralization. The most lakes under study proved the considerable increase of mineralization and pH-value. There is a decline in the permanganate value. For the considered period there was a change in the mineral structure of some lakes. The authors try to apply a cartographic method to estimate the changes and to deduce spatial conformities in hydrochemical indexes of the lakes. As a result of the research of spatial distribution of the lakes, it has been found that the closely located lakes can considerably differentiate in mineralization. Consequently it is necessary to consider the genesis of lakes under the analysis.References:
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