Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Earth sciences (№7; №4). 2013About the authors:
Evgeniy Y. Likutov, Cand. Geogr. Sci., Associate Professor, Physical Geography and Ecology Department, Institute of Mathematics, Science and Information Technologies, Tyumen State University, member-correspondent of Russian Ecological AcademyAbstract:
The paper offers a definition of the geodynamic active zones — areas of the earth’s crust that are different in size and configuration, and areas on the earth’s surface that are active at the present stage of the neotectonic development and characterized by reduced strength of the crust, increased cracking, permeability. As a result, they are characterized by explosive tectonics, seismicity, mass transfer of fluids and other processes. The complex heterogeneous system «relief — tectonic lineaments and structures — water solutions — substance» is studied to identify these areas. The research is determined by the scheme: «modern relief — morphological methods of research — structural and geological conditions — geological research methods and geological results». The methods of the research: structural and geomorphological (morphological, structural framework, morphoneotectonic, structural-lineamentgeodynamic), structural and hydrogeological and structural-geochemical analysis were under investigation. A complex of methods is chosen so that the shortcomings of some methods are filled by the application of other methods. The methodology justified itself in industrial work and applied research. The hydro-geological anomalies (with high module values of the groundwater flow) have been identified within 40 of 50 identified local positive structures of the Baikit anteclise and in 60-80% of the Volga—Ural anteclise. More than 30 integrated geochemical anomalous zones with the surface from 100 up to 700 km2 (some of them with oil and gas deposits) that are spatially coincident with geodynamical active zones are identified in the South-West of the Siberian platform. In the Yenisei Ridge (the Nizhnekanskiy granitoid massif) another plot with an area of low geodynamic activity was recommended for building a storage for highly toxic radioactive waste instead of the initially proposed site where a zone with a high geodynamic activity had been discovered.Keywords:
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