Features of formation of the chemical composition of natural water in the Urengoy area (for example Urengoy deposits)

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Earth sciences (№7; №4). 2013

Features of formation of the chemical composition of natural water in the Urengoy area (for example Urengoy deposits)

About the authors:

Gennadiy V. Toropov, Postgraduate Student, Department of Petroleum Geology, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University
Vladimir A. Beshentsev, Dr. Geol.-Miner. Sci., Professor of Physical Geography and Ecology Department, Institute of Mathematics, Science and Information Technologies, Tyumen State University


Nowadays the chemical composition of natural waters cannot be considered as the result of formation only by natural factors, which are defined as the processes of exchange of chemicals between different natural environments. Implicitly or explicitly diverse human activities have a significant impact on the formation of their chemical composition. This paper describes the main natural water-forming factors and focuses on hydrogeological characteristics of formation conditions. The authors examine the link between atmospheric, surface and ground water, which in their turn are divided into water above permafrost, subpermafrost and interpermafrost water. The paper presents the elemental chemical composition of all the considered water, and shows the change in chemical composition of the water at different depths. The research summerizes the results of two hundred chemical analyzes of water samples selected directly in the oil and gas fields of Urengoy region. Most of the results of the chemical analyzes are published for the first time.


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