Specifics of landscape and hydrological analysis application on the territory of west Siberian cryolithic zone

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Earth sciences (№7; №4). 2013

Specifics of landscape and hydrological analysis application on the territory of west Siberian cryolithic zone

About the author:

Vladimir А. Lutchkin, engineer, LLC «TyumenNIIgiprogas»


To carry out the landscape and hydrological analysis, the researcher collects information on the area. The information concerns the hydrological regime of the territory, the meteorological characteristics and different maps. The collection of such information is not a paramount one for a researcher from the European part of the Russian Federation, as this area is well studied (in terms of landscape and hydrologic analysis), and there are long and representative series of observations from meteorological and hydrological stations. When testing the landscape and hydrological analysis method on the territory of Western Siberia (especially on the permafrost area), collection of meteorological and hydrological information is time consuming. It is a high priority problem for seemingly an insignificant coverage area with meteorological stations and hydrological posts. The use of different calculation methods and the method of analogy will give not sufficiently representative material. In this connection, the sources of information on the area (very often they are unique ones) are scientific papers of different universities and research of industrial research institutes. The author of the article attempts to highlight the collection of all possible sources of information for the landscape and hydrological analysis in the permafrost area of Western Siberia.


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