Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Earth sciences (№7; №4). 2013About the authors:
Vasiliy V. Kozin, Dr. Geogr. Sci., Professor, Department of Social-Economic Geography and Nature Management, Institute of Mathematics, Science and Information Technologies, Tyumen State UniversityAbstract:
The article suggests a way to estimate the environmental features of the gas transportation corridors. The estimate is based on the analysis of spatial interaction between elements of geotechnical systems powered by cartographic methods. The authors compiled a set of 1:5000 maps of the key areas: landscape and ecological maps of different types of landscape environments showing elements of geotechnical systems and hydrographic features of areas which vary in humidity conditions. The inventory of the areas on the map is based on the analysis of photo structural unities at aerospace pictures. The maps also have a legend for areas with different humidity conditions: it shows dry, fresh, humid, damp area types and frozen peat hydrotops; these types have been described and linked to the analysis of their influence on the engineering status of the contiguous gas pipeline system. The article identifies the reasons and describes characteristics of water erosion, processes of thermokarst and ground swell undercutting, which contribute to deterioration of gas transportation system and add to its costs. The article includes recommendations on monitoring and design of gas pipeline geotechnical systems in the utilities corridors which are based on the knowledge of interaction between engineering projects via ecosystems.References:
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