The comparative analysis of inhabited locality population redistribution in the tyumen region over the periods 1990-2000 and 2000–2010

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Earth sciences (№7; №4). 2013

The comparative analysis of inhabited locality population redistribution in the tyumen region over the periods 1990-2000 and 2000–2010

About the author:

Valentina A. Dobryakova, Cand. Geogr. Sci., Associate Professor, Department of Cartography and Geoinformation Systems, Institute of Mathematics, Science and Information Technologies, Tyumen State University


Research of changes in population distribution can help a lot in understanding the various processes happening at a given territory. The statistics on people living in an area is a complex indicator which reflects both current changes in conditions and expected trends. The population figures remain to the most important component of a geographical situation developing in the region. The article aims to select the most adequate graphic form to compare population redistribution processes specific for some areas, population density zones and cities. To carry out the said comparison the author relies on statistics for the two periods which were significant in the development of the Tyumen region and Russia — the first period covers the decade from 1990 to 2000 which has seen the collapse of the Soviet Union and “wild” privatization, the second runs from 2000 to 2010 and is basically most recent history in its logical progress since 2000. The article establishes the erratic changes in population figures in some areas during the first period as well as the expressed loss of population in agricultural areas and growth of population in Tyumen and its vicinities in the second.


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