Morphofunctional changes of liver in whitefish (coregoni dae) of the north so’sva riv er during the summer feeding period

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Ecology (№12). 2014

Morphofunctional changes of liver in whitefish (coregoni dae) of the north so’sva riv er during the summer feeding period

About the authors:

Innokentii S. Nekrasov, Instructor, Department of Zoology and Evolution Ecology of Animals, Tyumen State University;

Lyudmila S. Pashina, Post-graduate Student, Department of Zoology and Evolution Ecology of Animals, Institute of Biology, Tyumen State University
Alexander G. Selyukov, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Professor, Department of Zoology and Evolution Ecology of Animals, University of Tyumen;


The condition of liver in three species of coregonids in the North Sos’va river during the summer feeding period was evaluated with a histological method of analysis. It was found out that peled and tugun have a significant difference of sexes according to the cytometric parameters of hepatocytes. Females have a greater value of nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio and males have a greater value of lipid inclusions area. It is shown that all investigated coregonid species have pathomorphological changes in liver, and males also have a greater value of these changes. The relative area of destructive changes decreases in the row: peled, Siberian Coregonid fish, tugun. The last one has the least number of liver pathologies. We can conclude that the conditions of the North Sos’va river are more favorable than the conditions of the Ob River or the Gulf of Ob, where peled and Siberian Coregonid fish spend a significant part of their lifecycle.


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