Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Ecology (№12). 2014About the authors:
Maxim G. Mitropolskiy, Post-Graduate Student, Department of Zoology and Evolutionary Ecology of Animals, Tyumen State University; max_raptors@list.ruAbstract:
The objective of the present study was a comparative analysis of the use of total number of game birds throughout Uzbekistan. The entire territory of Uzbekistan was divided into five main valleys for geography comparison. The source of information was compiled from statistical reports of environmental protection organizations, results of anonymous survey of hunters, data of the Uzbek Society of Hunters and Fishers and birds’ humeruses, collected from hunters. Analyzed data concerning the usage of quotas for game birds during the hunting season in 2012-2013, showed that the quota is used by less than 55%. The species composition of game birds is given according to 217 questionnaires and 1348 bones in the season of 2012-2013 and 183 questionnaires and 1079 bones in 2013-2014. The content according to quota, assessed by questioning, amounted to average of 13%, and according to bones fees — up to 1%. However, in terms of the species altogether they showed the use of 43 species of birds, including the use of endangered species.References:
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