Influence of engine oil on cress plants (lepidium sativum)

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Ecology (№12). 2014

Influence of engine oil on cress plants (lepidium sativum)

About the authors:

Natalia N. Lukina, Student, Department of Ecology and Genetics, Institute of Biology, Tyumen State University
Lyudmila S. Tupicyna, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of Ecology and Genetics, Institute of Biology, Tyumen State University


A negative impact of waste and unused motor oil Mobil Super 3000X1 5W-40 on the model plant object (Lepidium sativum) has been revealed. It is shown that the germination of seeds of cress is lower than that in the control group. In all experimental variants survival of plants is 2 and more times lower than in the control group. The average length and width of the seed lobes in the experimental selection is less than in the control group. The investigated engine oil determines the decrease in the growth of root and hypocotyl by their length. The distribution by the studied morphometric indices has shifted towards smaller values. The variability of all the studied characteristics when exposed to engine oil is lower than in the control group. The greatest negative effect on the growth of vegetative organs of plants is caused by the wasted motor oil (30 ml per 100 g of soil).


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