Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Ecology (№12). 2014About the authors:
Olga V. Еnoktaeva, Post-graduate Student, Department of «Bioresources of the Cryosphere», Tyumen Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (Siberian branch, Tyumen)Abstract:
Anthropogenic impact on the natural water leads to a decrease in the natural population of hydrobionts. Scientific reference and own data are considered with respect to the positive impact of the biological factors on the embryogenesis of fish. Seen as a biological method, in this paper the effect of metabolites Bacillus sp. strain MG8 are studied. The microorganisms were isolated from samples of permafrost in Central Yakutia. The metabolites were added to sexual products and embryos of the loach Misgurnus fossilis L., which developed from the eggs of poor quality. The following criteria of development, characterizing early ontogenesis of fish, are considered: the quality of eggs, the ability to fertilize ovulated eggs and their normal development, the survival of embryos, the survival of prelarvae when they come out of their shells. During the research the concentration of metabolites, which increases the survival of fish embryos, developing from eggs of poor quality, was evaluated. Three methods of adding metabolites to sexual products were examined, and it is concluded that the most effective method is to add them to sperm with subsequent addition during the early ontogenesis.Keywords:
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