Elemental composition and level of functional groups of humic substances in soils and turfs of different origin

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Ecology (№12). 2014

Elemental composition and level of functional groups of humic substances in soils and turfs of different origin

About the author:

Gulnara N. Shigabayeva, Cand. Sci. (Chem.), Associate Professor, Department of Organic and Ecological Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Tyumen State University


The aim of this study is to determine the elemental composition of humic substances and the level of the main functional groups (carboxyl, hydroxyl and phenolic) in fractionated products of humic acids isolated from soils and turfs of different origin. Fractionation of humic acids was performed with the pyrophosphate method. The element composition (C, H, O, N wt. %) was: for turf humic acids — 53.83, 4.50, 37.55, 4.12; for turf fulvic acids — 38.25, 4.57, 54.66, 2.52, respectively; for soils humic acids — 54.61, 3.61, 38.17, 3.61; for soils fulvic acids — 45.32, 4.13, 47.78, 2.77 respectively. The total content of basic functional groups was as follows: for turf humic acids 5.40 mmol/g, for soils humic acids 5.71 mmol/g; for turf fulvic acids 6.63 mmol/g and for soils fulvic acids 6.64 mmol/g. It is determined, that the percentage of acid groups in the fulvic acids is significantly higher, than that in humic acids.


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