Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Ecology (№12). 2013About the authors:
Larisa P. Panicheva, Dr. Chem. Sci., Professor, Department of Organic and Ecology Chemistry, Institute of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, TyumenAbstract:
This article determines the degree of oil pollution of waters and bottom sediments due to the processes of atmospheric and water migration for 22 small lakesin the background of various natural zones of West Siberia. It is shown that the oil content in the bottom sediments of the background lakes may be 218 ÷ 24667 times higher than in water. The capacity of bottom sediments to accumulate petroleum hydrocarbons depends on the content of organic matter in them. According to the results of the studies of the distribution of petroleum products between water and bottom sediments,a mechanism of co-deposition of colloidal forms of oil products and slightly soluble humus substances sparingly formed during the biochemical transformation of organic matter in the water phase of the pond has been offered. The reverse process of desorption of oil products from bottom sediments by peptizing small fraction of particles of the solid phase and the return of hydrocarbons in the water phase as micro emulsion is only possible due to performing additional work. However, petrochemicals content in water having a contact with bottom sediments, in which significant amounts of petroleum products are deposited, cannot be lower than their molecular solubility.References:
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