Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Ecology (№12). 2013About the author:
Maria M. Bazova, post-graduate student, Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russian Academy of SciencesAbstract:
The paper is presented the results of a research of trace elementsin water of lakes of the Kola Peninsula (Murmansk region). Depending on the landscape-geochemical characteristics of the region and the distance from the source of pollution have been found differences in the distribution of elements. The higher contents of Ni, Cu, Se, and Ti in water of lakes are observed near anthropogenic sources of pollution. The content of the trace elements concentrations in the water of lakes visually reflects the processes causing the features of the distribution and variability of elements in the sub-regions. In general, in water of lakes of the Kola North are observed a significant enrichment of elements such as Re, In, Se, As, Mo, Sb, Cd, Ag, Sc, Ni. The coefficient migration of water is calculated as the ratio of the water content of the elementin the mineral balance of water to its content in rocks or soil (or to Clark lithosphere).In selected sub-regions such elements as Se, Re, Bi, Mo, Sb, U, Cd, As have a high coefficient migration of water. The rising of the level of metals and metalloidsin surface waters as a result of local and regional anthropogenic loads led to formation of ecotoxicological situation for water habitats.Keywords:
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