Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Ecology (№12). 2013About the authors:
Larisa V. Stavnikova, post-graduate student, Department of Industrial Ecology, Processes and Facilities of Chemical Industry, Siberian State Technological University (Krasnoyarsk)Abstract:
Reorientation of Krasnoyarsk economy from wood chemistry to metallurgical-building specialization and rapid motorization has seriously changed its environmental situation. The study of its state has been based on official environmental documents, pollution of street atmosphere and a complex of bioindicative methods.The data indicate a two-fold reduction of aerogenic load since the 1990s in comparison with the end of the 1990s and the beginning of the 2000s (from 370 to 180 thousand tonnes). Having started in 2002, the increase of production and the growth of motor vehicles led to the fact that in 2010 it was only slightly (280 thousand tonnes) inferior to pre-perestroika and remains practically stable. Pollution dynamics has become characterized by the increase of vehicle emissions harmful effects share in the total pollution of the city. Despite the 3.5-fold exceedance of potential aggressivenessof pollutants from stationary sources, motor vehicle emissions due to their low emission are more dangerous for the population. The value of APS5 (Air Pollution Source)of the industrial Sovietsky and Leninsky districts is less than its value in the settlement Central district with its powerful motorways. Research results indicate excess hazard motor vehicle emissions over stationary sources emissions.References:
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