Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Ecology (№12). 2013About the author:
Sergey P. Vasfilov, Cand. Biol. Sci., Senior researcher of Botanical Garden, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg)Abstract:
The article is devoted to the study of the sulphur content dynamics reflecting ontogenesis of a leaf during vegetation. This figure, calculated per unit of surface of light and shadow leaves, fresh and dry mass and water weight, increased under the conditions of pollution during the whole vegetation period, and within control — only until the middle of the vegetation, remaining at this level until it is completed. Most significant increase of sulphur content in light and shadow leaves took place in the middle of vegetation (July), when environmental conditions are the best possible. The most significant increase of sulphur content at this time was on the site with average degree of pollution. On the site with high degree of pollution, this indicator was close to control. This can be explained by a more negative impact of sulfur dioxide on photosynthesis on the highly polluted site. This impact reduced the gas exchange rate of leaves with the environment and reduced the absorption of sulfur dioxide. Sulfur content per chlorophyll mass unit during vegetation period (except for its end) remained practically unchanged, both within control and under the conditions of pollution.At the end of the vegetation (September), this figure increased at all sites. The degree of the figure increase clearly reflected the degree of the site pollution. The indicator of sulfur content per chlorophyll mass unit reflected the degree of negative impactof sulfur dioxide, but not the level of its accumulation in the leaves. The quantityof sulfur accumulation in the leaves, with all methods of calculation of its content, during the whole vegetation corresponded to the degree of the birches site pollution.References:
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