Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Ecology (№12). 2013About the author:
Evgeniy V. Lebedev, Cand. Biol. Sci., Associate Professor, Department of Forest Plantations, Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural AcademyAbstract:
The purpose of the study is to obtain the quantitative data on net photosynthetic productivity, mineral and biological productivity of Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) at the organism level in different forest types in the ontogeny of Tyumen region based on taxation data. Net photosynthetic productivity was measured based on the works of A.A. Nichiporovich, mineral production was measured based on the works of V.M. Lebedev, and biological productivity was calculated on the basis of the relative weight gain for the given period. The elements deficit growing in course of time led to decrease in the absorptive activity of roots, net photosynthetic productivity and biological productivity in all types of forests. The adaptive response of the plantsto the above-mentioned conditions was the increase of the active surface of the roots with respect to the surface of the needle, which allowed increasing the supply of elements to the aerial parts in order to maintain the vital photosynthesis and relatively stable biological productivity. This regulatory reaction at the organism level was registered starting at the age of 30 years, and by the age of 180 years such adaptive capacities were exhausted. The biomass chart physiological analysis suggested in the article enables to expand the research of the physiology and ecology of forest stands in order to develop technological methods of increasing productivity.Keywords:
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