Influence of the climatic factors change on the environmental conditions of crops growth in the south of Tyumen region

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Ecology (№12). 2013

Influence of the climatic factors change on the environmental conditions of crops growth in the south of Tyumen region

Author: Maria L. Panova

About the author:

Maria L. Panova, post-graduate student, Department of Socio-economic, Geography and Environmental Management, Institute of Earth Sciences, Tyumen State University


The article is devoted to the dynamics assessment of the parameters of heat provision, moisture provision and conditions of wintering of crops growth (summer wheat, winter wheat, winter rye, barley, oats, grain legumes, potatoes, vegetables, forage crops) in the south of Tyumen region caused by the change of climatic factors of the end of the XX — the beginning of the XXI century. On the whole, improvement of all estimated indicators is observed. However it is possible that positive trends of moisture provision characteristics will decrease due to the increase in degree of climate aridity in advancing to the south areas. These changes, generally caused by the improvement of conditions of heat provision of crops growth, will lead to the dynamics of the climate efficiency indicator and climatically achieved productivity. Transformation of ecological conditions is a good prospect for the use of positive effects of climatic factors change in the agricultural sector of the region using the potential of lands undeveloped before, introducing more effective crops (colza, root crops, soy) and taking the opportunity for the transition to a qualitatively new level in agricultural development of the south of Tyumen region.


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