The use of hydromacrophytes forcomplex evaluation of the ecologicalstate of water bodies of Ishim and itssurroundings

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Ecology (№12). 2013

The use of hydromacrophytes forcomplex evaluation of the ecologicalstate of water bodies of Ishim and itssurroundings

Author: Olga E. Tokar

About the author:

Olga E. Tokar, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Geography and Teaching Methods, P. P. Ershov Ishim Pedagogical Institute (University of Tyumen Branch);


The paper summarizes quantitative data on the tolerance of type-indicators to the leading factors of water environment based on the published scientific evidence. Assessment of ecological condition of water ecotopes of the main economically significant water bodies of Ishim and its surrounding area (the river Ishim, the river Karasul, the river Mergenka, the dead arm of the river Ishimchik, Lake Anikino, Lake Chertovo) is undertaken. The assessment takes into account the following: the dataon hydromacrophytes of each of the studied water bodies; the information about individual valence of each species in relation to trophic groups and saprobity; the values of the indicator weight (obtained by studying the distribution of individual valences on trophic groups and saprobity); the analysis of the upper limits of mineralization and endurance limits of hydromacrophytes relative to pH. The data have enabledto characterise the water bodies as eutrophic, mesotrophic, oligo-beta mesosaprobic(the Ishimchik — alpha-beta mesosaprobic). Water in most of the water bodies is fresh(in the Karasul — soft), low mineralized, moderately rigid (in Lake Chertovo — rigid, salty, with an average mineralization), the active reaction of water is slightly alkaline.


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