Radioecological assesmentof bituminous deposits of the bazhenovformation in western Siberia

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Ecology (№12). 2013

Radioecological assesmentof bituminous deposits of the bazhenovformation in western Siberia

About the authors:

Viktor D. Starkov, Cand. Geolog.-Mineral. Sci., Professor, Department of Physical Geography and Ecology, Tyumen State University
Andrey S. Aleksandrov, student, Institute of Earth Sciences, Tyumen State University


Oil-source Bazhenov formations of West Siberia of the Upper Volgian Malm contain large amounts of uranium minerals. The uranium content in clays and shales of Bazhenov formations, according to some researchers, is 100 g/t, and the exposure dose by gamma logging of wells is up to 100 mR/hr (1 mSv/h).The paper was presented the task to assess the danger of radioactive material extracted from the wells drilled in the bituminous sediments of Bazhenov horizon.The analysis of a sample of bituminous claystone of the Bazhenov formation, conducted by the authors in the Laboratory of Radiation Ecology of Tyumen State University, has shown the efficient activity of 0.508 kBq/kg. This relates the analyte to the first category of industrial products of oil-gas companies, according to SanRaN This means that the core of Bazhenov formation can be stored and disposed of as normal industrial waste. Efficient activity of Bazhenov formation rock, calculated on the basis of the data of other researchers (uranium content is 100 g/t), is greater than 1.5 kBq/kg. In the latter case, the stone material should be classified as industrial waste of the second category, according to SanRaN Its treatment is regulated by sanitary-epidemiological conclusion of Sanitary Inspection.


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