Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Ecology (№12). 2013

V.I. Vernadsky and modern ecological problems

About the author:

Tatyana I. Moiseyenko, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Professor, Corresponding Member of the RAS, Deputy Director for Science, Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the RAS (Moscow); moiseenko.ti@gmail.com


General concept of V. Vernadsky’s noosphere supposes harmonious co-evolution of humanity and nature. The reality is that human activity has led to the emergence of anthropogenic induced processes in the biosphere, which manifested dramatically in the middle of the last century. This article gives a brief analysis of the major changes of biogeochemical stages in the global scale. There are the examples of the cascade development of some negative phenomena under the influence of: increase of carbon dioxide content, acidifying agents content, enrichment of natural environments with metals, contamination with resistant organic matters, biogenic elements. There are proofs that the organic world reacts to anthropogenic transformation with active microevolution processes. Methodology for determining the critical loads is considered, as scientifically-based strategy for limitation of anthropogenic impacts on nature and for environmental harmonization. A characteristic of the theoretical foundations for the permissible flows of certain pollutants is given. It is shown that the development of environment-oriented non- and low-waste technologies with the consideration of science-based critical loads on the biosphere and its ecosystems, the rehabilitation of disturbed lands and water areas is a key direction in maintaining life-supporting environment of our planet.


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11. Moiseenko, T.I., Kudrjavceva, L.P., Gashkina, N.A. Rassejannye jelementy v poverhnostnyh vodah sushi: tehnofil'nost', bioakkumuljacija i jekotoksikologija Dispersed Elements in Surface Inland Waters: Technophily, Bioaccumulation, and Ecotoxicology. Мoscow: Nauka, 2006. 261 p. (in Russian).

12. Moiseenko, T.I., Gashkina, N.A., Dinu, M.I., Kremleva, T.A., Khoroshavin, V.Yu. Aquatic geochemistry of small lakes: effects of environment changes // International Journal of Geochemisrty. 2013. № 13.

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