Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Ecology (№12). 2012About the authors:
Olga N. Lukyanova, Dr. Biol. Sci., Principle Investigator, Laboratory of Applied Excology and Toxicology, Pacific Scientific Research Fisheries Centre, Professor of Ecology Department, Far Eastern Federal UniversityAbstract:
Persistent organic pollutant (POP) contents in the bottom sediments of estuaries of three rivers (Razdol’naya, Sukhodol and Gladkaya) in the basin of Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan, Primorsky Territory, Russia) were studied using high resolution chromato-massspectrometry method. It is shown that POPs are ranged in accordance with decrease of their contents as follows DDT≥PCBs>HCH>HCB. Their highest levels are revealed in the bottom sediments of Razdol’naya River where they are 44.7, 32.6, 2.2 и 0.75 μg/kg dry weight. That is 1.5-27.7 times above Canadian ecologically safety sediment quality guidelines for the protection of aquatic life. In Russian such guidelines are absent. In the bottom sediments of other rivers POP content was as low as a basic level for Central European part of Russia. These results and data on quality profile of POPs suggest that input of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) to the rivers is global transboundary transfer while organochlorine pesticides (OCP) could enter from the local sources.References: