Influence of western Siberian artesian basin’s groundwater on migration of macro and microelements in small streams

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Ecology (№12). 2012

Influence of western Siberian artesian basin’s groundwater on migration of macro and microelements in small streams

About the authors:

Igor G. Svanidze, Cand. Sci. (Geogr.), Researcher, Research Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management; Tyumen State University;

Tatyana A. Kremleva, Dr. Sci. (Chem.), Professor, Department of Organic and Ecological Chemistry, University of Tyumen;

Andrei V. Soromotin, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Director of the Research Institute of Ecology and Resource Natural Management, University of Tyumen;


The article presents the features of macro and trace element composition of artesian waters, leaking from exploration drilling well № 36-RG in Tobolsk area, and further migration of chemical elements in the waters of small river Aremzyanka due to inflow of artesian water stream. Revealed that the migration of Cl, Br, B, Se, Na, As, Sr, Ba, Te is more intensive in artesian waters, while Ca, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Mn, U stronger migrate in background river waters. Found that as a consequence of the artesian water inflow migration intensity of the most intensive in oxygen waters migrants like Cl, Br, B, F, Na, Sr and medium intensity migrant Ba in the river downstream Aremzyanka enhances. On the contrary, migration mobility of the major macroelements of the river water — Ca and Mg — somewhat reduced due to changes in the ionic composition of the water. Migration mobility increase for other macro and microelements in the stream was not revealed.
