Cand. Sci. (Geogr.), Associate Professor. Director of the Institute of Earth Sciences of the University of Tyumen.
Participated in the management and execution of projects within the framework of the Priority National Project "Education", Tempus/Tasis, Government Decree no 220, the Federal target program "Scientific and Scientific Pedagogical Staff of Innovative Russia" for 2009-2013. He created an educational and scientific laboratory for hydroecology and water resources protection, a scientific laboratory for water quality, ecosystem resilience and ecotoxicology. Member of the Academic Council and the Scientific and Technical Section of the Academic Council of the University of Tyumen. In total, according to geoecological and geographical themes, V. Yu. Khoroshavin co-authored more than 50 articles in scientific journals, incl. 8 in the international citation systems Scopus and Web of Science, including 2 monographs (h-index in the Russian Science Citation Index 7).