Aleksandr I. Krivchenko

Corresponding Member of the RAS, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Professor. Deputy Director and Head of the Laboratory of Comparative Physiology of Respiration of the Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the RAS.
His study of the mechanisms of autoregulation in amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals made it possible to formulate a clause about the stages of development of autoregulation in vertebrates in the course of evolution. He developed and put into practice complexes for non-invasive assessment of the level of reserve capacity and the biological age of mammals. Honored worker of public health services of the Russian Federation. The head of three doctoral dissertations and nine candidate dissertations on the problems of comparative physiology of blood circulation and respiration. The author of more than 120 articles, 5 monographs, 7 patents. H-index in the Russian Science Citation Index 9.