Dmitriy V. Moskovchenko

Dr. Sci. (Geogr.). Chief Researcher of the Federal Research Center Tyumen Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Institute of the Problems of Northern Development of the Siberian Branch of the RAS.
Area of scientific interests — ecological studies in the areas of development of oil and gas fields. Over the years of His work in the Siberian Branch ot the RAS He made a great contribution to the development of the ecological and geochemical direction, to the study of environmental pollution under the influence of the oil and gas producing complex of Western Siberia. He participated as a leader in the implementation of a number of federal and international scientific projects, including the Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant "Assessment of the anthropogenic transformation of the environment of the Tyumen region", the grant from the McArthur Foundation "Oil and gas production and the environment: ecological and geochemical analysis of the Tyumen region", section of the state target program Biodiversity: "Development of methodological bases for biodiversity conservation in the forest-swamp zone of the north of Western Siberia". For the successes He was repeatedly awarded with certificates of honor of the Siberian Branch of the RAS. He has more than 150 scientific articles in rating journals, incl. 10 in the international citation systems Scopus and Web of Science, 7 monographs (h-index in the Russian Science Citation Index 12).